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Chain Config Reference

This config file will help the explorer display each chain uniquely.



chainNamestringTitle of your block explorer. Used for SEO purposes"examplenet"
titlestringTitle of your block explorer. Used for SEO purposes"Examplenet Block Explorer"
extra.profilebooleanIf true we will be displaying desmos profiles with a fallback to use keybase and on-chain descriptions-
themesSee ThemesThe configs for different themes, see below-
chainsSee ChainsThe configs for different chains(mainnet / testnet), see below-


defaultstringThe default theme used when user first accesses the explorer"light"
themeList[]stringThe list of themes that are available for the explorer.["light", "dark", "deuteranopia", "tritanopia"]
dark-The hex color codes for dark mode which can be modified according to your design-
light-The hex color codes for light mode which can be modified according to your design-
Default themes
  • The deuteranopia & tritanopia are the default themes whose colors are hard-coded in the codes. In case you want to modify them, check out the file packages/ui/src/styles/theme/deuteranopia.ts & packages/ui/src/styles/theme/tritanopia.ts.

  • You can refer to other chain's configs located at apps/web-*/src/chain.json, pick the dark / light theme you prefer, and copy-paste them in your own config file to apply them.


An array of objects that contains the chain configs.

networkstringThe chain ID of the blockchain-
chainTypestringMainnet or Testnet-
genesis{time: string, height: number}Checks if countdown component will be displayed-
prefix{consensus: string, validator: string, account: string}Consist of prefixes by address role consensus, validator, account"prefix": { "consensus": "examplenetvalcons", "validator": "examplenetvaloper", "account": "examplenet" }
primaryTokenUnitstringThis would most likely be the staking unit. Used for converting token in to the correct denom display.excoin
primaryTokenUnitstringUsed to display voting power correctly. If the VP is not the same as primaryTokenUnit please create a new TokenUnit and place the name hereexcoin
tokenUnits{[key: string]: {display: string, exponent: number}}Used to display chain data and convert base denoms. When adding a new token unit please follow the logic the base token needs [x] exponents to display the following token unit"excoin": { "display": "excoin", "exponent": 6 }
endpoints.graphqlstringThe GraphQL endpoint""
endpoints.graphqlWebsocketstringThe GraphQL web socket endpoint"wss://"
endpoints.publicRpcWebsocketstringThe public rpc web socket endpoint for consensus state"wss://"

Token Units

If you have trouble understanding tokenUnits please insert it as the following the base token needs [x] exponents to display the following token unit

"tokenUnits": {
"excoin": {
"display": "excoin",
"exponent": 6
"upretz": {
"display": "pretz",
"exponent": 18
"ubar": {
"display": "pretz",
"exponent": 6