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Custom Tx Messages

By default, message types that don't exist on the base chain (cosmos in this case) will be displayed as unknown but you can easily customize your own by doing the following:

Create Tx Model

Setup a class model in packages/ui/src/models/msg/<module>. We have separated all tx msgs by their corresponding chain module making it easy to associate.


All class messages must contain the following:

  1. category (module)
  2. type (message type)
  3. json
  4. fromJson static method


class MsgUnjail {
public category: Categories; // required
public type: string; // required
public json: object; // required
public validatorAddress: string;

constructor(payload: object) {
this.category = 'slashing'; // required
this.type = R.pathOr('', ['type'], payload); // required
this.validatorAddress = R.pathOr('', ['validatorAddress'], payload);
this.json = R.pathOr({}, ['json'], payload); // required

static fromJson(json: object): MsgUnjail {
return {
category: 'slashing',
type: R.pathOr('', ['@type'], json),
validatorAddress: R.pathOr('', ['validator_addr'], json),

Export your model in packages/ui/src/models/index.ts.

export { default as MsgUnjail } from '@/models/msg/slashing/msg_unjail';

Set i18n Content

Create legible label in apps/web-examplenet/public/locales/<lang>/message_labels.json

"txUnjailLabel": "Unjail"

Create legible content in apps/web-examplenet/public/locales/<lang>/message_contents.json

"txUnjailContent": "<0>{{validator}}</0> unjailed"

We are using next-i18next.

Create UI Component

In packages/ui/src/components/msg/slashing/unjail/index.tsx create a corresponding component for your newly created model.

import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography';
import { Trans } from 'next-i18next';
import { FC } from 'react';
import Name from '@/components/name';
import { type MsgUnjail } from '@/models';
import { useProfileRecoil } from '@/recoil/profiles/hooks';

const Unjail: FC<{ message: MsgUnjail }> = (props) => {
const { message } = props;
const validator = useProfileRecoil(message.validatorAddress);
const validatorMoniker = validator ? validator?.name : message.validatorAddress;

return (
components={[<Name address={message.validatorAddress} name={validatorMoniker} />]}

export default Unjail;

Import and export your component in packages/ui/src/components/msg/index.ts

export { default as Unjail } from '@/components/msg/slashing/unjail';

Update Utils

In src/components/msg/utils.tsx go to customTypeToModel and add your model in the following format

<message type>: {
model: <Model>,
content: <Component>,
tagTheme: <tag color>,
tagDisplay: <tag value>,

## example

'/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail': {
model: MODELS.MsgUnjail,
content: COMPONENTS.Unjail,
tagTheme: 'five',
tagDisplay: 'txUnjailLabel',

Your newly added transaction message should be showing up correctly.

Update Message Filter

Edit the utils file in packages/ui/src/components/transaction_messages_filter/utils.tsx.


key value must exist in packages/ui/src/models/msg/types/index.ts

export const getFilterLabels = () => {
return ([
key: 'none',
display: 'none',
key: 'bank',
display: 'bank',
key: 'others',
display: 'others',